Giving you sustainable balance in life’s uncertain circumstances

Benefits Resource Group provides families and employees with cost-effective insurance solutions that promote financial security and peace of mind.

Talk to a BRG Associate
25 years serving the commonwealth and beyond

How We Serve You

Benefits Resource Group provides families and employees with cost- effective insurance solutions that promote financial security and peace of mind. We endeavor to educate our clients about their benefits so that they are prepared for their present and future needs.

We have and always will put employee’s needs and concerns above any agenda.

Call Us Today
For EmployeesFor Employers

The BRG Advantage for Employees

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On-Site Customer

Located in BG for ease of access for people who want in person touch to their benefits.

Issue Products

During our yearly Open Enrollment period we have products offered with no health questions, meaning you can not get denied coverage for age or health.


When planning and conducting enrollments, we serve as the benefit counselors for working Americans and provide straight-forward advice to help employees understand and appreciate their benefits.

Walk In

No appointment necessary to receive help. Come in on your time and leave with peace of mind.
Our traditional 1-1 enrollments offer the most employee engagement and best opportunity for decision-making support. To help educate and counsel your employees on their benefit needs, we come to your worksite and spend time with each employee.

We educate employees on the advantage of paying for benefits through pre-tax dollars.

The BRG Advantage for Employers

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Section 125

At BRG, we’re here to help you navigate the ever-changing regulations associated with COBRA and Section 125 guidelines, allowing you to focus more of your time and energy on the important things. Our team of compliance experts will offer you the education resources and guidance you need to avoid costly non-compliance penalties.


We offer efficient, state of the art technology to provide customized benefit administration solutions. Our enrollment software simplifies and automates the entire benefit administration process, placing all enrollment activity and data in one place for both core and voluntary benefits.


Which means we have the freedom to represent multiple insurance carriers. Unlike many of our competitors, we are free to negotiate with multiple carriers and select the best priced products to offer your employees.


We have a direct number. When you call BRG you get someone who is familiar with your account and you. Great customer service means following best practices like valuing customers’ time, having a pleasant attitude, and providing knowledgeable and resourceful resources.

What our
are saying

“These people listen to you.

They don’t rush you when you’re talking and are explain every action they will be taking. They also return calls and keep in touch.”

- Norma Edens

“BRG has always been so easy to work with

over the years and I’ve never had to worry if things were slipping through the cracks because I knew I have had them to rely on.”

- Dan Jones, Finance Director, GRREC

“Ms. Whittaker and her staff exude professionalism

and confidentiality. Her team is always looking out for the best interest of our school district.”

- Christopher C. McIntyre, CFO, CPA, CMGA, CSFO

“The BRG representatives are knowledgeable

on the products they offer and help our employees make the best decisions for themselves and their families.”

- Travis Johnson, Benefits Coordinator, Butler County Schools